The evidence just keeps mounting. A few years ago Scientists were saying large object collisions with planets were few and far between. The odds against seeing one in your lifetime are billions to one they said. Well with the Shoemaker-Levy Comet collision with Jupiter, the recent object unknown collision with Jupiter and now evidence of a planet to planet collision in our own back-yard (100 light years away is our own backyard) we have to revise this opinion. Maybe the odds are quite high that we will see an extinction level event on earth before 2100AD.
Astronomers have detected the infrared signatures of Molten Rock and vapourising Rock from a planetary system in the Pavo constellation. Calculations suggest that a planet around the size of Mercury was struck by a smaller object which was moving at 22,400 mph.
And we just happened to be looking in that direction with the correct instruments at the right time....
As Terry Pratchett once said: 'Mathematicians have calculated that the odds of such a thing ocurring are a million to one. Unfortunately Wizards have observed that million to one chances come up nine times out of ten!'
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