Monday, July 27, 2009

If anybody needs a reason to prioritise Space Exploration

Here is the perfect reason. This little black dot is actually slightly larger than the planet earth. This almost unimaginable Jupiterian disturbance was caused by an asteroid strike. An asteroid which had it struck the earth would have wiped us out. 100%.

I find it inconceivable that we can spent untold billions on global warming, which may or may not be actually happening, and which if it is happening might cause sea levels to rise 50 feet within the next 400 years. Compared to the absolute certain knowledge that all life on earth larger than a microbe will sooner or later be extinguished by a metorite and it could very well happen in 5 minutes time.

Why cant we put the same effort into the colonisation of space and stop putting all our eggs in one basket?

See also: Time to leave this world today

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