The attackers who "cannot be named for legal reasons." punched, kicked and hit their victim with stiletto heels for a 45 minute torture session.
Sorry but this sentence is so stupid. It is estimated it costs 60K to keep a place in a detention center for a year and 18K to police a supervision order. Thats £1.65 Million of our money they just spent on on three spoilt brats who enjoy torturing other people. Sorry but nine years working in Victorian conditions on a farm would be far more appropriate and infinitely cheaper! Similar sentencing should apply to anybody embracing or promoting 'Gangsta culture'.The argument that they 'did not know what they were doing' does not stack up for a 45 minute torture session involving a victim screaming for mercy and dripping blood. They should be named and tattooed permanently but discretely with a 'v' for violent before release.
See my Legal System post.
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