Thursday, November 26, 2009
Bankers 62 billion in secret loans
It has just come to light that at the height of the banking crisis the government lent the RBS and Halifax banks an additional 62 billion pounds to prop them up. The government has come clean in a bid to avoid extra embarrassment just a scant few days before a regular audit would have unearthed the details anyway.
The loans, which were offered without any parliamentary sanction were repaid a few months later and the people loaning the banks this money - us the taxpayers - did not know we were doing it. This has to stop!
Lloyds shareholders should be fuming because they were asked to support the takeover of HBOS within this period with no knowledge of the gigantic loan stacked up that was awaiting pay back.
The whole business stinks. I still say RBS and Halifax should have been allowed to fold - its the only sensible option but there are too many in our parliament and government with vested interests in many institutions. Compare these two lists:
List of Banks that folded in UK due to the global meltdown:
Err... Errrm. None.
List of Banks that folded in America due to the global meltdown:
Commerce Bank of Southwest Florida
Pacific Coast National Bank
Orion Bank
Century Bank, F.S.B.
United Commercial Bank
Gateway Bank of St. Louis
Prosperan Bank
Home Federal Savings Bank
United Security Bank
North Houston Bank
Madisonville State Bank
Citizens National Bank
Park National Bank
Pacific National Bank
California National Bank
San Diego National Bank
Community Bank of Lemont
Bank USA, N.A.
First DuPage Bank
Riverview Community Bank
Bank of Elmwood
Flagship National Bank
Hillcrest Bank Florida
American United Bank
Partners Bank
San Joaquin Bank
Southern Colorado National Bank
Jennings State Bank
Warren Bank
Georgian Bank
Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B.
Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company
Venture Bank
Brickwell Community Bank
Corus Bank, N.A.
First State Bank
Platinum Community Bank
Vantus Bank
First Bank of Kansas City
Affinity Bank
Mainstreet Bank
Bradford Bank
Guaranty Bank
CapitalSouth Bank
First Coweta Bank
Community Bank of Nevada
Community Bank of Arizona
Union Bank, National Association
Colonial Bank
Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association
Community First Bank
Community National Bank of Sarasota County
First State Bank
Mutual Bank
First BankAmericano
Peoples Community Bank
Integrity Bank
First State Bank of Altus
Security Bank of Jones County
Security Bank of Houston County
Security Bank of Bibb County
Security Bank of North Metro
Security Bank of North Fulton
Security Bank of Gwinnett County
Waterford Village Bank
Temecula Valley Bank
Vineyard Bank
First Piedmont Bank
Bank of Wyoming
Founders Bank
Millennium State Bank of Texas
First National Bank of Danville
Elizabeth State Bank
Rock River Bank
First State Bank of Winchester
John Warner Bank
Mirae Bank
MetroPacific Bank
Horizon Bank
Neighborhood Community Bank
Community Bank of West Georgia
First National Bank of Anthony
Cooperative Bank
Southern Community Bank
Bank of Lincolnwood
Citizens National Bank
Strategic Capital Bank
BankUnited, FSB
Westsound Bank
America West Bank
Citizens Community Bank
Silverton Bank, NA
First Bank of Idaho
First Bank of Beverly Hills
Michigan Heritage Bank
American Southern Bank
Great Basin Bank of Nevada
American Sterling Bank
New Frontier Bank
Cape Fear Bank
Omni National Bank
TeamBank, NA
Colorado National Bank
FirstCity Bank
Freedom Bank of Georgia
Security Savings Bank
Heritage Community Bank
Silver Falls Bank
Pinnacle Bank of Oregon
Corn Belt Bank & Trust Co.
Riverside Bank of the Gulf Coast
Sherman County Bank
County Bank
Alliance Bank
FirstBank Financial Services
Ocala National Bank
Suburban FSB
1st Centennial Bank
Bank of Clark County
National Bank of Commerce
Sanderson State Bank
En Español
Haven Trust Bank
First Georgia Community Bank
PFF Bank & Trust
Downey Savings & Loan
Community Bank
Security Pacific Bank
Franklin Bank, SSB
Freedom Bank
Alpha Bank & Trust
Meridian Bank
Main Street Bank
Washington Mutual Bank
Washington Mutual Bank FSB
Silver State Bank
En Español
Integrity Bank
Columbian Bank & Trust
First Priority Bank
First Heritage Bank, NA
First National Bank of Nevada
IndyMac Bank
First Integrity Bank, NA
ANB Financial, NA
Hume Bank
Douglass National Bank
Miami Valley Bank
Metropolitan Savings Bank
Bank of Ephraim
Reliance Bank
Guaranty National Bank
of Tallahassee
Dollar Savings Bank
Pulaski Savings Bank
First National Bank of Blanchardville
Southern Pacific Bank
Farmers Bank of Cheneyville
Bank of Alamo
AmTrade International Bank
En Español
Universal Federal Savings Bank
Connecticut Bank of Commerce
New Century Bank
Net 1st National Bank
NextBank, NA
Oakwood Deposit Bank Co.
Bank of Sierra Blanca
Hamilton Bank, NA
En Español
Sinclair National Bank
Superior Bank, FSB
Malta National Bank
First Alliance Bank & Trust Co.
National State Bank of Metropolis
Bank of Honolulu
It is clear that the American attitude to their private banking system is much saner than ours.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Climate Change Scientists caught Cooking the Books!
There has been an embarrassing lack of global warming over the last decade. Raw, unprocessed figures which were hidden by climate change scientists have come to light in freedom of information requests along with some rather incriminating documents.
US Climate expert Kevin Trenberth said on Mon 12 OCt 2009 "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of global warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we cant."
Professor Phil Jones of the University of East Anglias climate unit authored emails that were leaked and showed researchers collaborating to keep their grants safe by hiding evidence of global COOLING provided by tree ring growth data.
George Monbiot a leading environmentalist for the Climate Research Unit called for Proffessor Jones to resign saying "There appears to be evidence of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released and even to destroy material subject to freedom of information requests. Worse still some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics"
The thing is that nobody denies that climate change is real. However it has long been known that both long and short term climate fluctuations exist. For example during the 1600s in there was a mini ice age that lasted a decade or so. What is uncertain is how much (if any) of the current cycle of changes are due to mankind. Some certainly but compared to solar fluctuations, say sceptics, our input even including C02 and Methane is negligable.
All the heat input to the earth comes from the Sun, the suns output changes cyclically with the sunspot cycle (an 11 year cycle) but it is expected that other cycles exist and we know that short term increases in Solar radiation caused by solar flares also exist. Luckily all of the large solar flares we have observed have not been pointed in our direction. What a lot of people do not realise is that the Sun also has decades of lower than usual output and just how variable this previously presumed constant heat source has proven to be has caught many astronomers on the hop.
Many people believe that the climate change question is being used as a lever to stop people using so much oil energy and oil based products now that Peak Oil is upon us and the supplies of oil are getting harder for governments to procure and secure. See also Global Warming Lies article
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Appalling Education creates new Sub-Class Plebians
Wake up Britain!
The standards in our schools is so bad that even shop owners are having to spend up to 4 weeks educating school leavers in reading, writing, and arithmetic before they can employ them!
One in five pupils leave education without achieving a single average C grade in any subject. By some strange coincidence one in five school leavers are also unemployed. I wonder if the figures by any chance are related?
One way of creating an ignorant slave class of workers is to remove education - and I am sure our political masters realise this. We must do our level best to see that education in Britain (until around 1965 the worlds best) reaches its former standards. Yes this will mean tougher A levels and fewer people at university but its better than a third of the young adults leaving school being thrown straight into unemployment.
Of course an ignorant population is a largely docile population and with the coming energy crises perhaps this is the idea.
I picked a group of youths hanging out on a corner, just a stones throw from my apartment and asked them some questions:
1. Is reading and writing important?
The majority think not. Its a handy skill to have but most signs nowadays are symbolic with few or no words on them, and there is TV and Video rather than the written word.
2. Is maths important?
Yeah you have to know how much you are making on your drugs deals and whether you is being ripped off.
3. What do you think of teachers?
They dont do nothing and just sit there. You only get a reaction if you piss them off.
4. Are you worried about finding a job when you leave school?
Nah. My parents dont work and they do just fine.
5. What do you think of politicians?
That last answer there shows exactly what is wrong. The politicians control our country, its laws and social dynamics. These young people know nothing of this and do not care. Will they vote? I dont think so. do they know how to protest or are they capable of organising a protest? I dont think so.
Perhaps this is the aim of dumbing down our education system?
British government kills 5000 citizens this year
A new cancer drug, Avastin, that could extend the life of many advanced Cancer Sufferers by two or more years is not to be offered on the NHS. A nine month course of treatment costs around £18000 so this seems to be the price of two years of a life in Britain today.
Compare that to the estimated £200,000 it would cost to keep that same person in prison for two years. Maybe we should kill all prisoners that are jailed for more than 18 months because it would be more cost effective?
Pirate Symptoms
A royal navy ship, an auxiliary tanker named Wave Knight, stood by whilst a rag-tag crew of mostly unarmed Somalian pirates kidnapped Paul and Rachel chandler from their yacht the Lynn Rival.
Yes WARNING shots were fired from the Navy vessel with its hundred strong crew, two 30mm cannon and four machine guns, but the Pirates were happy to ignore this, if it were an American vessel would they have ignored it I wonder. Would the heavily armed tanker simply have stooged around waiting until the pirates had secured their prey and left? I think not.
To compound the cowardly inaction the government has said that it will not pay the ransom demanded by the pirates... well I am sorry but is this not exactly the same as putting their lives at risk? The official excuse for inaction was that the captain was worried about causing casualties to the hostages... now we are still inactive but that inaction is risking their lives!
This is a symptom of how weak Britain has become internationally that even a band of ill equipped hoodlums know for certain they have nothing to fear from our forces.
The official excuse was that the captain was worried about causing casualties to the hostages. Well sorry but if his men are such rubbish shots with their modern weaponry that they cannot blow the bow or stern off a shoddy pirate craft or hole her beneath the waterline, then stand off and watch her sink then they should be replaced with people who can and will.
What should have happened is the craft shopuld have been sunk from underneath both the pirates and hostages. Then they can all swim (try swimming holding a weapon for any length of time) until they are exhausted, or sharks appear, and the pirates are begging to be let aboard the RN ship.
This is just a symptom of the lack-lustre do-nothing attitude that has pervaded britain for the last 30 years.
I say the captain of the Wave Knight should face a Court Martial and the relatives of the hostages.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Farcical Sentencing
The attackers who "cannot be named for legal reasons." punched, kicked and hit their victim with stiletto heels for a 45 minute torture session.
Sorry but this sentence is so stupid. It is estimated it costs 60K to keep a place in a detention center for a year and 18K to police a supervision order. Thats £1.65 Million of our money they just spent on on three spoilt brats who enjoy torturing other people. Sorry but nine years working in Victorian conditions on a farm would be far more appropriate and infinitely cheaper! Similar sentencing should apply to anybody embracing or promoting 'Gangsta culture'.The argument that they 'did not know what they were doing' does not stack up for a 45 minute torture session involving a victim screaming for mercy and dripping blood. They should be named and tattooed permanently but discretely with a 'v' for violent before release.
See my Legal System post.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Prices out of control - £1000 rail fare
Cross Country Trains, which sells the ticket, said a booked in advance fare was available for £561.
The price by Taxi? Nowhere near I should think!
You could hire a car for two days and pay the petrol for around £300!
Same Journey by coach? £160 with 3 changes.
It is time for the public to have a serious sense of humour failure with regards to public transport. What should happen is that the government should set a maximum price per mile (as measured town center to town center) in a straight line, with a sliding scale allowing longer journeys to be cheaper than shorter. Then this should be imposed as a maximum price on the rail operators.