There has been an embarrassing lack of global warming over the last decade. Raw, unprocessed figures which were hidden by climate change scientists have come to light in freedom of information requests along with some rather incriminating documents.
US Climate expert Kevin Trenberth said on Mon 12 OCt 2009 "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of global warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we cant."
Professor Phil Jones of the University of East Anglias climate unit authored emails that were leaked and showed researchers collaborating to keep their grants safe by hiding evidence of global COOLING provided by tree ring growth data.
George Monbiot a leading environmentalist for the Climate Research Unit called for Proffessor Jones to resign saying "There appears to be evidence of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released and even to destroy material subject to freedom of information requests. Worse still some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics"
The thing is that nobody denies that climate change is real. However it has long been known that both long and short term climate fluctuations exist. For example during the 1600s in there was a mini ice age that lasted a decade or so. What is uncertain is how much (if any) of the current cycle of changes are due to mankind. Some certainly but compared to solar fluctuations, say sceptics, our input even including C02 and Methane is negligable.
All the heat input to the earth comes from the Sun, the suns output changes cyclically with the sunspot cycle (an 11 year cycle) but it is expected that other cycles exist and we know that short term increases in Solar radiation caused by solar flares also exist. Luckily all of the large solar flares we have observed have not been pointed in our direction. What a lot of people do not realise is that the Sun also has decades of lower than usual output and just how variable this previously presumed constant heat source has proven to be has caught many astronomers on the hop.
Many people believe that the climate change question is being used as a lever to stop people using so much oil energy and oil based products now that Peak Oil is upon us and the supplies of oil are getting harder for governments to procure and secure. See also Global Warming Lies article
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